Monday, 23 November 2015
The problem of unaffordable houses | KINIBIZ
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Malay groups want PTPTN loan exemption for Bumis only - The Malaysian Insider
Saturday, 21 November 2015
Why, have we been educating ungrateful Malaysians? - Theantdaily
QUICK TAKE: It is not a happy testimony of our current situation when the authorities concerned with dispersing student loans have to repeatedly remind students who had taken loans from the government that they must repay their loans after they have successfully completed their studies.
At the recent 19th Convocation of University Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas), Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Mohamad Kadim Suaidi told the 464 graduates that – “After you graduate, do keep your promise to settle the National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) loan so that others can also benefit from the facility. When you give others the opportunity, you are also helping yourself to be more successful.”
He also encouraged the graduates to continue to pursue their studies to the highest level possible.
But what has gone wrong here – when he had to repeat the reminder that students have to make good the loans they have taken, or will take in the future for higher studies?
Have we simply been loaning money to ungrateful students and freeloaders who had, when in dire need, came begging for loans to further their studies? Upon graduation, they have callously turned their backs and have either refused to pay back or have made lame excuses, like asking for easier terms in the form of instalments or deferred payments?
Have they for a minute thought about what the repercussions are from their action and on how it will affect negatively on other students who are now applying for the same loans that they once had benefited from?
In terms of a revolving cash fund, and if the fund is based on such a system, it would mean that the fund would very quickly run dry, thus depriving others the opportunity to secure the loan when their turn comes.
What in effect does this show us?
It shows that a majority of those who had not paid up their loans, or have made excuses, are actually an ungrateful lot. They are a selfish bunch, never sparing a single thought for others. Did these people benefit at all from their ‘education’, and if they did, are simply too arrogant or unwilling to part with their new found income after they started work.
But there could be a few who may have problems in securing employment and have no resources to settle the loans. In such cases, perhaps they could seek the help of family members to help them make partial payments as a stop-gap measure until they have found work.
A good education is still the backbone and the basis of our egalitarian society, and we must be able to hold our heads up high, and make good a simple promise like repaying a loan that we have taken out for our further education.
Well, is that too difficult a task to handle?
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High earnings do not translate into more savings | New Straits Times
The statistics furnished by Employees Provident Fund (EPF) chief executive officer Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan are frightening.
He said that only 23 per cent of EPF members aged 55 had minimum savings of RM196,000 in their account to sustain themselves until the age of 75.
As a human resources consultant, I worked with a multinational firm in an outplacement programme where the company was giving out its mutual separation scheme due to poor business and loss of market share of its product.
Our course of counselling and giving lessons in financial planning covered what they could do with their lump sum payout.
Despite the fact that Malaysians are earning more, their capacity to save has not improved, and many are still not prepared for retirement.
The other aspect is that many are still unaware of financial planning, and even if they are, many rely on the savings that they have in their fixed deposit accounts or returns from their unit trust investment.
But sometimes, these are not enough to sustain them through their retirement, for the cost of living has gone up by leaps and bounds.
I discovered that at least 60 per cent of them have huge debts on their credit card, car loan, housing loan, health bills and children’s education bills.
Worse, some resort to loan sharks or even gambling, and they are trapped in this vicious cycle.
It is good that EPF has introduced the retirement advisory service at eight branch offices on how to do retirement planning to ensure contributors have enough in their golden years with a basic amount of RM820 at least.
There are also private wealth advisers, and Private Retirement Schemes (PRS), a voluntary long-term investment scheme designed to assist individuals to accumulate savings for retirement, recommended by the Securities Commission.
n C. Sathasivam Sitheravellu, Seremban, Negri Sembilan
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So, who’s to blame for our economic woes? - The Malay Mail
For example, assuming a worker is paid RM10 a day, while the price of 10 eggs is RM5. This means that the worker has to put in half a day’s worth of labour to be able to buy 10 eggs. In other words, the value of 10 eggs to the worker is half a day’s work.
Which brings us to the important question. How many hours of labour would a fresh graduate or average Malaysian living in Kuala Lumpur have to put in in order to survive a day?
According to a recent Nielsen survey, an average salary for a fresh graduate in Kuala Lumpur is RM2,100 (excluding EPF and SOCSO deductions for the purposes of our illustration).
Assuming he works eight hours a day every week day in November, his hourly wage would be RM12.50. Based on the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumerism’s website, the controlled price of chicken is RM7.50 per kg. Based on an average weight of 1.6kg a bird, the price of an average-sized whole chicken would be RM12. Thus, a fresh graduate in Malaysia would be able to afford one chicken with his hourly wage of RM12.50.
In London, however, the price of one whole chicken at my local Tesco’s is £3.50 (RM23.30). As the national minimum wage is £6.70, this means that an unskilled worker in London would be able to afford almost two chickens compared to the Malaysian with a university degee.
Not only does the Malaysian graduate have to work twice as hard for the same amount of food compared to an unskilled worker in London, he is also likely to work extra hours without extra pay (as is common in our culture, punching out on time is usually frowned upon).
And this does not take into account his PTPTN loan, car loan and the toll that he has to pay to get to and from work. Would all this not only deflate the value of his wage?
If the story above sounds depressing, imagine how it is for Malaysian workers who don’t have any tertiary qualifications. It is no wonder that two-thirds of our population is reliant on BR1M handouts.
But, is 1MDB to blame for the country's economic woes?
To date, the sovereign investment fund has accumulated debt of over RM42 billion. Critics have zoomed in on the company’s auditing problems, such as the RM8.24 billion said to be hiding somewhere in the Cayman Islands, the controversial bond issuance programmes, and allegations of overpayment for power assets, essentially bailing out politically connected companies with expiring contracts.
Most recently, Malaysians were given a glimmer of false hope (of getting to the bottom of the whole issue) in the form of a highly anticipated public debate between 1MDB’s chief critic Tony Pua and the sovereign fund’s CEO Arul Kanda.
Just as the nation prepared itself for a nationally televised debate that would hopefully answer the many questions on people’s minds, the Speaker of Parliament took the unprecedented move of warning Pua that he would have to remove himself from the Public Account Committee’s investigation of 1MDB if he proceeded with the debate.
The Minister of Communication and Media quickly dismissed the offer of a replacement debater in place of Pua.
As the economy continues to slow down, the public mood will continue to slide down with it. One thing for sure, the multi-billion ringgit 1MDB scandal has not helped to elevate confidence. Even if everything is all well and dandy as the government assures, the fact remains that the perception is that there is something very fishy going on.
Unfortunately for the government, perception rules and the public verdict is that 1MDB is nothing but bad news, as proven by the falling ringgit and the capital flight that has occurred.
Is 1MDB to blame for all our economic woes? Such a conclusion is simplistic, but when no answers are forthcoming, it only succeeds in raising even more questions. And when questions go unanswered, people jump to conclusions.
*This is the personal opinion of the columnist.
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In debt? Try Najibnomics – Terence Tang - The Malaysian Insider
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Friday, 26 December 2014
CTOS credit score card roll-out in Q1 2015
So a FICO like credit score system will be introduced in Malaysia. This is good news for the consumer credit industry as people will better know if they are good or bad with their credit.
Source here.
KUALA LUMPUR: Credit reporting agency CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd will roll out credit scorecards by the first quarter of 2015 in a bid to benchmark credit profiles of individuals. Details of the credit scorecards are yet to be finalised.
The scorecard will provide a three digit number that measures the probability of repayment of a borrower through information gathered by CTOS.
“But we hope to launch it earlier, because I believe that there is a need in terms of consumers understanding of their credit worthiness,” CTOS CEO Eric Chin told reporters at a media briefing here.
He explained that the scorecard, called CTOS-FICO score, will be a more sophisticated way of evaluating credit worthiness of individuals and SMEs in a bid to promote a positive credit culture in Malaysia.
CTOS in collaboration with FICO, which is a pioneer in credit bureau scoring technology, will be the provider of bureau scores to credit grantors in Malaysia.
Through that, Chin said, one with a strong score could potentially leverage for better interest rates from banks, transforming the credit market to be more consumer-driven.
CTOS, which is registered with the ministry of finance, collects and processes information from public resources and its subscribers in relation to credit worthiness of individuals and businesses. It also provides business intelligence and credit risk management solutions to businesses with banks, financial institutions, law firms, utility providers and telecommunication companies as clients. Chin said the credit reporting agency industry in Malaysia is in its infancy, with substantial opportunity to grow its products and service offering.
“Malaysia stays at the data and information provision level, but should move up to analytics and decision support level,” he noted.
Eric said CTOS is looking to grow its SME customer base by five-fold from the current 3,100 to 15,000 and increase its product range such as credit score, fraud score and credit capacity index to banks.
Chin is optimistic on the loan growth in the banking industry, whereby access to credit is a fundamental element that fuels economic growth.
“This year there is a bit of moderation, but with the ETP (economic transformation programme) projects coming in, we’re definitely optimistic on the loan growth,” he added.
Creador is the largest shareholder of CTOS with a 70% stake and a total investment of over RM200 million.
Creador founder and CEO Creador Brahmal Vasudevan stressed that Creador is a long-term investor in CTOS and will stay on for at least five to 10 years.
He expects CTOS, which posts about RM60 million revenue annually, to register 20% growth in profits and revenue, helped by its strategic plans.
Creador is a private equity firm and its investment portfolio includes Bonia Corp Bhd, GHL System Bhd and Oldtown Bhd, to name a few.
When asked of new investment targets, Brahmal said Creador’s focus will still be on the consumer sector, citing that the group “is working on a few things”.
“Hopefully by early next year, we can share something … We would like to look at areas like retail, consumer products and so on,” he added.
Brahmal said there is an intention to list CTOS in the future, but it won’t happen within the next one to two years.